Editable Cells

Editable cells are currently supported only for the client table.

To ensure editable data is reflected on your original dataset you must use `v-model` instead of the `data` prop.

Each row in dataset must have a unique identifier. By default its key is set to `id`. Use the `uniqueKey` option if your dataset has a different identifier.

As always examples work best to illustrate the syntax:

Start by declaring the column(s) you wish to be editable using the `editableColumns` option:


Then use scoped slots to build the logic:

 <v-client-table :columns="client.columns" :options="client.options" v-model="client.data">
    // update text on the fly
    <input type="text" slot="text" slot-scope="{row, update}" v-model="row.text" @input="update">
    // update a checkbox
    <input type="checkbox" slot="checkbox" slot-scope="{row, update}" v-model="row.checkbox" @input="update">
    // update text on submit + toggle editable state + revert to original value on cancel
    <div slot="text2" slot-scope="{row, update, setEditing, isEditing, revertValue}">
     <span @click="setEditing(true)" v-if="!isEditing()">
     <span v-else>
     <input type="text" v-model="row.text2">
        <button type="button" @click="update(row.text2); setEditing(false)">Submit</button>
        <button type="button" @click="revertValue(); setEditing(false)">Cancel</button>        

In addition to the `input` event which is responsible - in conjunction with `v-model` - for updating the dataset, an additional `update` event is triggered with the following payload: {row, column, oldVal, newVal}

Last updated

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