Custom Filters

Custom filters allow you to integrate your own filters into the plugin using Vue's events system.

Client Side Filters

A. use the customFilters option to declare your filters, following this syntax:

customFilters: [{
    name: 'alphabet',
    callback: function (row, query) {
        return[0] == query;

B. Then emit the event when appropriate:

Using the event bus:

Event.$emit('vue-tables.filter::alphabet', query);

Vue 3 Event Bus:

EventBus.emit('vue-tables.filter::alphabet', query);

Using Vuex:

this.$store.commit('myTable/SET_CUSTOM_FILTER', {filter:'alphabet', value:query})

Server Side Filters

A. use the customFilters option to declare your filters, following this syntax:

customFilters: ['alphabet','age-range']

B. the same as in the client component.

C. Custom filters will be sent as request parameters. Implement the necessary logic on the server side.

Last updated

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